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Interactive Questionnaire and Dashboard Application
Qeysights is the only interactive Questionnaire and Dashboard application that has been specifically designed to focus on providing clear insight and meaning through the combination of Next Gen technologies, methodologies and intelligence.
Key features are:
Interactive Questionnaire and Dashboard Application
Immediately Actionable Outcomes
Internal Pockets of Excellence
Interactive Multi-Dimensional Views
Continuous Improvement Made Easy
International Patent Pending

Immediately Actionable Outcomes
Future focused predictive measurements
People's current perception
People’s expectations for the future
Over- and under-performance
Insight into how to mature the organisation
Internal Pockets of Excellence
Qeysights is unique in its capability to identify internal expertise and high performing teams throughout the organisation. Teams that already deliver best practice can be recognised and their expertise and secrets of success applied to improve other areas of the business.
Interactive Multi-Dimensional Views
The Qeysights dashboard allows a user to slice and dice the data as they wish:
One, several or all levels of the organisation: business units, divisions, departments, functions and teams
Management levels: from executive to front-line
Age groups
Part- and full-time
Contractor and employee

Any Function, Area or Topic Applies
A questionnaire may include (a combination of):
Safety & Compliance
Productivity & Efficiency
Culture & Engagement
Customer Centricity & Focus
Bespoke, e.g.:
Value, quality, use and acceptance of department outputs
Efficiency and rework